Fairbanks Terrace Co-Op

Fairbanks Terrace Co-Op
1105 S Riverside Dr
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
1961 – 20 unit – 2 story
Fairbanks Terrace Co-Op For Sale
Fairbanks Terrace Co-Op is a 2 story condominium building located on the Intracoastal Waterway and Santa Barbara Lake, one block from the ocean. Its location provides a spectacular view. It has 20 – 1 and 2 bedroom units. Amenities include a heated pool and BBQ area. No pets. (Obtain legal advice as to the differences between co-op and condo ownership).
Fairbanks Terrace Co-Op at 1105 S Riverside Dr For Sale in Pompano Beach
If you don‘t see any CoOps for sale in Fairbanks Terrace, that means that most likely there are currently no CoOp‘s for sale in the Fairbanks Terrace CoOp building in Pompano Beach.
Instead, check out other CoOp‘s in Pompano Beach below.
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